Stephen A. Masker

Archive for October 22nd, 2009|Daily archive page

Paranormal Activity: The Truth

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2009 at 3:30 AM


Was Paranormal Activity a true representation of factual events recorded on a personal camcorder?

The answer is no, and the proof is all here:

Firstly, just go to and type in: Oren Peli. Owner of Solana Films, Peli – a software programmer – directed Paranormal Activity and first appears on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) in 1998 while producing NFL Xtreme for the Sony Playstation video game console which was produced by 989 Studios and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEA).  Peli is currently filming Area 51 (rumored to cast Susan Lanier-Bramlett) to be released sometime in 2010.

Secondly, acknowledge the location in-which the movie was filmed. Does it resemble the photograph below? It should.. It’s Peli’s house. The same house Paranormal Activity was filmed in, inside of which actors Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat encountered their supposed ‘demon’. The address is 13236 Bavarian Drive, San Diego, California, 92129. Reference Google Maps for other satellite images, including the overhead which clearly shows the pool in the backyard used in the filming of the movie:

Screen shot 2009-10-22 at 2.30.12 AM

Thirdly: Lets acknowledge that  Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat are both really actors.

Actress Katie Featherson actually appeared in a 2006 film, Mutation, written and directed by Brad Sykes. In the film, Featherson plays the role of ‘Melissa’. Find her public Facebook fan page, here.

Actor Micah Sloat, however, has no previous acting experience recorded by IMDB, although you can find his public Facebook fan page, here.

Fourthly: Who else helped produce this movie?

Associate Producers Toni Taylor (Peli’s then girl-friend) and Amir Zbeda, personal friend of Peli’s and ’98 NFL Xtreme programmer. It’s all coming together now.

So in conclusion I hope that I’ve successfully debunked any doubts concerning this movie’s factuality, but it does make for a great scary movie. If you haven’t seen it already, I hope you enjoy it. For those of you who have seen it, hopefully this blog will help you sleep easier at night.

Paranormal Activity Website